What We Do

The work of the STAM Leadership is varied and diverse, serving the needs of Speech, Debate, and Theatre teachers throughout the state.  Some of the below committees meet regularly throughout the year, while others focus on tasks related to creating effective, meaningful, and relevant professional development at the annual Fall Conference.


Advocacy (Ad-Hoc)The purpose of this committee is to advocate for Speech, Debate and Theatre at the state level. Members coordinate with DESE in order to provide the most current and effective methods of meeting the needs of students in Missouri.

Archival-  The purpose of this committee is to archive the work and activities of STAM.

Awards – The purpose of this committee is to read the nominations for awards by STAM members and present the awards at the Friday night banquet during the conference.

Constitution & By-Laws – The purpose of the committee is to make certain that the STAM Board of Governors is conducting business in accordance with the constitution.

Electronic CommunicationThe purpose of the committee is to manage the electronic presence of our organization. This includes our website, program information, membership materials, etc.

Finance – The purpose of this committee is to help ensure financial health of the organization through budget management, and serving our members by making sound fiscal decisions that maintain organizational strength.

Grants/Professional Development (Ad-Hoc) – This committee assists speech and theatre educators with funding of projects that enhances students’ instruction in the area of speech and theatre.

Membership Development – The purpose of this committee is to identify avenues that will increase membership in STAM., and to connect new and pre-service teachers with experienced teachers to help them as they prepare to teach/teach their first few years. It is also an opportunity for teachers in similar areas to make connections.

NominationsThis committee gathers input from STAM members regarding candidates who would be best suited to serve on the Board of Governors.

Publications – The Publications committee is designed to provide a scholarship outlet to the membership, and to provide a quality journal for the membership. It also brings notoriety to the organization as the journal frequently wins awards at Central States.

ScholarshipsThe Scholarship committee organizes and disseminates scholarship funds.

Student Liaison The purpose of this committee is to increase student membership in the STAM organization, increase student presence at the STAM Conference in September, and to advocate for conference planning that will benefit student members.


Vice-President Elect – The position requires a four-year commitment.  The first year involves securing breakfast sponsorships and assisting with conference logistics as Vice-President Elect.  The second year involves planning the annual conference as Vice-President.  The third year involves serving as President.  The fourth year involves assisting the board as Past-President.

Vice-President – The Vice-President plans the conference program, and in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President.

President – The President presides at the meetings of the Association and the Governing Board, appoints committees, and subject to approval by the Governing Board, appoints persons to fill vacant offices, and perform other duties customary to the Office of President.

Executive Secretary – The Executive Secretary keeps the minutes of the Executive Council and the Board of Governors and distributes them to the respective memberships; keeps accurate financial records; reports to the Governing Board regularly and to the membership at an annual business meeting; and maintains the files of the Association. The Executive Secretary shall be elected for a term of three years.

Director of Publications – The Director of Publications is responsible for the publication of a journal and newsletter of this Association. The Director shall be elected for a term of three years.

Historian – The Historian is appointed by the President.  He or she archives and documents the activities of STAM, maintains the STAM Gallery Hall of Fame, and coordinates booth space for STAM Gallery of Theatre.